Suresh Doshi (R: 9327085270)
52 years, post –bypass recurrence of angina and crippling leg artery blockages.- remarkable improvement in angina, leg pains and walking capacity.
Suresh Doshi, 52 year old diabetic, hypertensive, obese patient who developed recurrence of angina after 4 months of bypass enrolled in cardio uno program in October, 2005, with complains of significant effort angina and leg pains limiting his walking capacity to 5-10- min on level ground.
He lost 4.5 kg weight over two months, stopped tobacco, achieved good control of diabetes and blood pressure and could walk for 40 min without stopping at 5.5 kmph speed and 3.5* incline. His overall medicines were reduced by 50%. He is currently ( even after 3 years) maintaining regular walking and pranayam. His angina is stable and so is his leg pains.
Bharat Parikh, (R: 9327009391)
59 years, Diabetes, hypertention, moderately severe coronary artery disease.- remarkable increase in exercise tolerance and reversal of Treadmill test changes.
Bharatbhai Parikh, 59 years old diabetic, hypertensive normal weight person with fairly active lifestyle, joined cardio uno program in July,2005. His on-entry tread mill test was positive for ischemia in first 3-4 min( <5 mets) with burning pain in the throat(angina). He refused our advice to undergo angiography and wished to try exercise and medical therapy.
Over two months he could walk at 6.4 kmph speed and 10 degree incline for 30-40 min without angina and his treadmill test became near normal at 10 mets work load. His diabetes and hypertension were tightly controlled and his medicines’ requirement was reduced by 60%.
Today, after three years of regular follow up in our exercise program he is maintaining the same level of fitness and is asymptomatic.
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